Friday, December 15, 2006

Notorious B.I.G. Investigation Linked to LAPD Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

A new sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a Los Angeles Police Department officer has connections with the alleged cover-up in the murder investigation of the late Notorious B.I.G.

According to reports, the suit was filed by LAPD Sgt. Ya-May Christle. Christle claimed some department promotions and choice assignments are being handed out in exchange for sexual favors.

Christle, who was part of the LAPD team that reviewed the B.I.G. investigative files and her lawyer said that some of the information she prepared has disappeared and was never forwarded to the rapper's family as ordered by the courts.

Former LAPD deputy chief Michael Berkow is named as a defendant in the suit, which accuses the officer of offering advancement in return for sex as well as maintaining a sleep-in room at the Bradbury Building in downtown Los Angeles.

The building is the same place where police Board of Rights hearings are held and the headquarters for the LAPD's Internal Affairs Division. Berkow recently left the LAPD, after the lawsuit was filed, to become chief of police in Savannah, GA.

Christle also claimed she was transferred and demoted after filing complaints about Berkow's alleged activities. In addition to the LAPD, Christle is suing city of Los Angeles.

Neither Berkow or the LAPD have commented on the suit. An LAPD spokesman said the department never comments on any pending litigation.

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