Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Foxy's In More Trouble

The AP reports that Foxy Brown, whose real name is Inga Marchand, was ordered to appear in Manhattan Criminal Court today (December 11) to answer to allegations that she has violated the terms of her three year probation. According to Shwanda Weinberg, an attorney for the New York Department of Probation, Brown has failed to keep appointments with her probation officers, attend anger management classes or submit to drug screening tests. Foxy has been on probation since August when she plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge stemming from a fight in a Manhattan nail salon. Today Weinberg told Judge Melissa C. Jackson that the rapper has sought special treatment because of her celebrity and suggested that she be given some jail time.

Judge Jackson did not allow Brown to respond to the charge and informed her that she should comply with the terms of her sentence or face jail time. After the hearing, Foxy explained to reporters that she has passed all her drug tests and has never violated her probation. She asserted that Weinberg’s allegations of a request for special treatment were a result of her unwillingness to wait in a downtown Brooklyn probation office for three hours with what she referred to as “all kind of criminals.” “My safety was in jeopardy, she commented. “I asked can we make another plan, and he said I had to sit there like every other probationer. I didn’t think they were going to throw me in with the wolves.”

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